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Threshold voltage in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2021-01-08Updated:2021-01-08
Similar words: threshold valueforward voltageapplied voltageinduced voltagethresholdsubthresholdpain thresholdthreshold level
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1. The threshold voltage is 0.5 V above negative supply.
2. It is found that the change of threshold voltage value fits in exponential law with absorbed dose, which is caused by the effect of space charge and interface charge.
3. In this paper, the threshold voltage of binary digital baseband transmission system on graph is explained, so the concept's meaning is more clear.
4. We mainly focus on the threshold voltage shift under subsequent positive bias temperature (PBT) stress after the preceding NBT.
5. A quasi-two dimentional analytical model of threshold voltage for non-uniform doped short channel MOSFET is presented in this paper.
6. The threshold voltage is set by output channel comprised of pulse generator, photoelectric coupler and F/V converter, and the detection result is input through photoelectric coupler.
7. We deduced a expressions for threshold voltage temperature coefficient of short channel MOST.
8. Grid voltage is about threshold voltage, which is dependent on design of IC circuit device.
9. This applicationmodulates the threshold voltage and, thereby the time delay, of a free-running oscillator.
10. This model can preferably forecast post-irradiation threshold voltage drift due to oxide traps and interface traps through the pre-irradiation 1/f noise parameter.
11. FIGS . 9 A - C show various threshold voltage distributions and describe a process for programming non - volatile memory .
12. Threshold voltage window is approx 17V, and this transistor has nondestructive readout characteristic.
13. JEDEC ? The input threshold voltage when the input voltage is falling.
14. By resolving Poisson equation, the mathematical expression of the threshold voltage model of DMOS by radiation induced positive spatial charge is obtained.
15. The specific relationship between the data programmed into the memory element and the threshold voltage ranges of the element depends upon the data encoding scheme adopted for the memory elements.
16. In order to emulate and evaluate the system performance, the signal-to-noise (SNR) and probability of detection (Pd) vs. the gain and threshold voltage of APD arrays were discussed in this paper.
17. A continuous input pulse train triggers monostable circuit, and a control signal modulates the threshold voltage.
18. The gate voltage, at which the barrier height has its maximum, just corresponds to the threshold voltage of a MOS structure with zero electro-de gap.
19. Its function is to provide a latching switch action upon sensing an input threshold voltage, with reset accomplished by an external clock signal.
20. The primary performance degradation of SOI device in the total dose irradiation is the back-channel leakage current caused by gate threshold voltage shift.
21. A continuous input pulse train triggers the monostable circuit, and a control signal modulates the threshold voltage.
22. A novel under-voltage lockout circuit is proposed which could generate reference voltage and bias current itself, and could stabilize lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.
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23. The result is a low level on the SDA1 line—the low output voltage of IC2 plus the threshold voltage of Schottky barrier diode D2.
24. The tests show that RTV can obviously improve the threshold voltage of secondary discharge.
25. Once the feedback voltage is decreased lower than the threshold voltage, the bias current is reduced linearly and the off-time of the switching period is increased gradually.
More similar words: threshold valueforward voltageapplied voltageinduced voltagethresholdsubthresholdpain thresholdthreshold levelat the threshold ofvoltagelow voltagehigh voltagepeak voltagevoltage loopover voltagevoltage dropovervoltagehigh-voltagevoltage levelvoltage limitsupply voltagevoltage ratingsignal voltagevoltage dividervoltage regulatorvoltage transformervoltage differencehigh voltage transmission linerevolt againstthresher
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